Saturday, April 2, 2022


Send me good thoughts...
That is the working title of my live action screenplay I am working on...Why Candy? Because I like candy and am not one of those "sugar is death" snobs...and it's ironic because the script is about what it's like to be fat in America...from all sides..believe me, not all of them sweet. Also my scale for my daily medical weigh-ins talks because my eyesight is too poor to read a regular scale...and let me tell you, that robotic woman is my nemesis. I dumped the scale 40 yrs she's baaak. I am breaking all the "rules" of screenwriting...why not, I spent years learning the rules to break, and I can if I want. The script alternates between "present day"--with Candy relatively thin (see pix)...and flashbacks (supposedly a no-no) to Candy's various experiences with being fat...Her dad calling her names like "baby elephant"...Her Mom pointedly not ordering dessert for herself so Candy wouldn't...The catcalls from boneheads in trucks...The stupid lack of understanding of the very complex phenomenon of obesity, far more complicated than eat less, move more...Back and forth present--past... I have two indie producers waiting to read my script...I even thought of producing it myself...but my filmmaking partner is thousands of miles away and this is probably not his thing...For now, need to write...and am letting my qualms about learning the new version of FINAL DRAFT intimidate me...or is it qualms over the trip down Fat Memory Lane.... I am supposedly on borrowed time now...So it's time to woman up.