Thursday, September 20, 2018

Tweet Tweet Tweetily Deet

When I became a finalist in the Oaxaca Film Fest , I needed someplace to smug brag.

So I got a Twitter account.

But before I did that, I read up and watched videos about Twitter.

You know the expression, "So much has been written about everything, it's hard to find anything out about it"? Well, that applies.

So finally I just signed up, created some tweets on my projects, hashtagged #animation #cartoons and so on.

I also was told to follow I followed BoJack Horseman (the look and hopelessly sarcastic tone I like for one of my projects), the creator of BoJack (sep account), and some other Hwood spots.

Zap--all their tweets went on my account...chaos. So I muted them. So now I have no idea who sees what.

I have decided it takes time for your excellence to be recognized. Ahem.

Can anyone give me tips? My account also split in idea why.

This is The Blue Bird of Happiness?

My handle is @TheStarLawrence, if you are interested.

Oh--and I didn't win. But it was fun to think about and chat with some tweeters who did win.

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